Girls’ Academy’s Strides

Girls’ Academy’s Strides

The Girls Academy follows a unique seven-year educational structure, beginning with the foundation class and currently accommodating 360 students. Supported by a dedicated team of 17 teachers and 14 non-teaching staff, the school places a strong emphasis on equipping its students with practical entrepreneurial skills in addition to their regular academic curriculum. These skills include cap making, tailoring, beadwork, phone repairs, catering, and fish farming, enabling students to achieve economic independence during their schooling and fostering their potential to become future employers. 

In 2023, the school admitted an additional 60 students, increasing the total student population across various levels, including pre-JSS, JSS I-III, and SSI. The school’s Speech and Prize Giving Day in August 2023 recognized outstanding students for their achievements in academics and extracurricular activities, while the successful Junior Secondary School Certificate Examination (JSCE) saw 89 students progressing to Senior Secondary I (SSI) in September, with 29 in science and 60 in arts.

Furthermore, the Girls Academy is dedicated to enhancing its teaching staff’s professional development. In April 2023, a Capacity Building Workshop focused on essential aspects of teaching methodology, effective teaching qualities, classroom management, and record-keeping. These efforts have significantly improved the teaching staff’s performance, positively impacting students’ education. The school has also received substantial support from organizations like the North East Development Commission, providing essential resources and assistance in fish farming. 

Girls’ Academy’s Strides
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